Saturday, March 24, 2012

Modal popup visibility and background...

My ModalPopup panel is being visible before its disappears..

It flicks on the screen int the HTML load...
How can I fix this?

And...What is the style of modalPopoupExtender demo in atlas control toolkit site?

How can I make one similiar?

thanx!Please see FAQ #1 ( and StyleSheet.css in the root of the SampleWebSite.
BUT...I got three problems...

First...modalBackground stylesheet doesn't work in Firefox..because opacity and filter properties...
Second...modalBackground stylesheet doesn't work with Dropdownlist remains with default style... last problem is that style="visibility:false;" doesn't work...

I just want to make something similiar to Insert Code modal of this page...with all components behind disabled and with low opacity...and it is hide on pageload =D..
this can't be so difficult...I also would like to load my usercontrol inside the modalpopup very difficult work with updatepanel and modalpopup together...

here is my code:

"DivRegisterUnit" style="visibility:false;"> "LabelUnitID" runat="server" Text="ID:"> "TextBoxUnitID" runat="server"> "LabelUnitDescription" runat="server" Text="Descri??o:"> "TextBoxUnitDescription" runat="server"> "ButtonRegisterUnit" runat="server" Text="Salvar" />

"MpeRegisterUnit" runat="server"> "modalBackground" OkControlID="ButtonRegisterUnit" PopupControlID="DivRegisterUnit" TargetControlID="LinkButtonRegisterUnit" />

<div id="DivRegisterUnit"> <asp:Label ID="LabelUnitID" runat="server" Text="ID:"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxUnitID" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Label ID="LabelUnitDescription" runat="server" Text="Descri??o:"></asp:Label> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxUnitDescription" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="ButtonRegisterUnit" runat="server" Text="Salvar" /> </div> <cc1:modalpopupextender id="MpeRegisterUnit" runat="server"> <cc1:ModalPopupProperties BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" OkControlID="ButtonRegisterUnit" PopupControlID="DivRegisterUnit" TargetControlID="LinkButtonRegisterUnit" /> </cc1:modalpopupextender>

I resolved two of my three problems :P

First...I was wrong...
Third...I used "visible:none;"

the only one that I can't fix was the dropdownlist problem...

If the issue is that the dropdown remains visible when the ModalPopup is displayed, the reason can be found in the FAQ. Our next release will have a workaround for this; you can get the code from CodePlex now if you want to try it out early.

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