Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Modal Popup and Formview. first click not responding

i'm running into an issue when i put a modal popup in a formview where when i first click on the linkbutton, the modalpopup does not appear but instead it postbacks. But then on the second click and any clicks after that, the modalpopup will appear.

anyone run into this problem before and does anyone know how i could fix this issue? thanks.

My Immediate suggestion would be wrap the gridview and formview .Net UI code in a ajax Update Panel. Unless you are handling the select and the display of the FormView servser-side - it would be safe to assume that would be the default behavior. The reason I say that is until the Modal is actually invoked - its not really resident - just part of the DOM and not part of the ASP.Net page... If you tie what event you are using to invoke the formview to showing the modal using the serverside show() hide() methods - and you have that all wrapped up into a updatepanel on the UI side - you should get a seamless ModalPopUp experience... There may be better ways - but that is at least how I handle it... might be relevant, too.

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