Monday, March 26, 2012

Modal Popup In A Repeater


Is there a way to use the ModalPopupExtender from inside a repeater -- each item would have a "delete" link button, and on clicking this, the Panel should be shown? Ive tried everything I can think of, but am not getting anywhere.



Hmmm, I have seen modalpopupextender in the repeater before and it worked fine. Do you get any javascript errors, run-time errors about the extender setup, and how are you wiring the extender to the actual button that will cause the pop up to appear?

The ToolkitTests\Manual\DataboundDynamicPopulate.aspx file that comes with the Toolkit includes a ModalPopup in a repeater (DataList).

Thanks for the heads up. Between this and another article I found (sorry, cant find it right now to give credit), I came up with the solution I was looking for.

My solution is here (for my future reference):

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