Monday, March 26, 2012

Modal Popup onClickScript and encoding

Hello I have a strange problem and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I have a Modal Popup which I am adding dynamically to my page during pre-render. I have a string which I create using thePage.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference function and when I debug it looks fine. But when it converts to html the javascript is going from:

__doPostBack('MyControlID,'') in the debugger to:

__doPostBack(\u0027MyControlID\u0027,\u0027\u0027) in the source on the actual html.

Is there a way to tell the control to ascii encode or something along those lines. Or am I barking up the wrong tree and there is something else wrong with my code most likely?


Hi Matt,

Can you show me essential part of your code so that I can look into the issue?

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