Saturday, March 24, 2012

Modal Popups with Master pages?

Is there some trick when using a modal popup within a control of a masterpage? Where is one suppose to put the script manager, in the master page or in each individual page... I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's not working right now. The panels that I want to be popups are just appearing on the page embedded like normal and when I click the button that would normally activate them the page just does a complete refresh and nothing else happens. Thanks in advance!

I'm pretty sure it's because of the evil "sys is undefined" error message. Well it's good to know that it's not something I'm doing =).

Wait a minute, why does AJAX work fine on other applications I have made in other instances of VS 2005, but with this particular web application it says "sys is undefined" ?

Found this post on google and it fixed it. Added the following line to web.config within the httphandlers tag:

<add verb="GET" path="ScriptResource.axd" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler" validate="false"/>

The original post: Thanks Jasson King who posted that about 7 months ago! =)

What is going on... I added that line in web.config and it worked fine for about 2-3 hours and then for one reason or another I had to restart the application and now it's back to the same old business of "unknown element, could be a compilation error"...

What else is there to do?

Made another find.

<%@.RegisterAssembly="AjaxControlToolkit"Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit"TagPrefix="cc1" %>

I'm using master pages and I have this line of code in one of the pages that is displayed in the content holder, but I also found it in the master page file. I commented it out of the master page code and now it all works fine again...

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