Saturday, March 24, 2012

Modal window with update panel stops working after its shown and hidden once

I'm having some trouble with the modal window tool. It behaves perfectly the first time i show it, and the first time I hide it, then although the updatepanel postback behaviour still works (and the text field in the example below is still updated) the modal window doesn't fire the onOkScript or hide as it does the firsttime.

Does anyone have any ideas?

<div><asp:LinkButtonID="lbCommunityProfile"runat="server">Community Profile</asp:LinkButton></div><atlas:UpdatePanelID="updatePanel2"runat="server"Mode="Always"><ContentTemplate><asp:LabelID="lTest"runat="server"Text="NoneSet"></asp:Label></ContentTemplate></atlas:UpdatePanel><atlasToolkit:ModalPopupExtenderID="ModalPopupExtender1"runat="server"><atlasToolkit:ModalPopupPropertiesTargetControlID="lbCommunityProfile"PopupControlID="Panel1"BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground"DropShadow="true"OkControlID="OkButton"onOkScript="__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder$lbCommunityProfile','');alert('go');"CancelControlID="CancelButton"/></atlasToolkit:ModalPopupExtender><asp:PanelID="Panel1"CssClass="modalPopup"runat="server"><atlas:UpdatePanelID="updatePanel1"runat="server"Mode="Conditional"><ContentTemplate>

This is panel 1


and in the aspx.cs file

protectedvoid OkButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)


string str = tbTest.Text;

lTest.Text =

"set" + tbTest.Text +"end";


Also just wondering what the javascript is to close a modal window. I understand you can use the ok and cancel buttons. I'd like to have a x in the top right of my window and have that close.

Is this with the June CTP of Atlas?
yes the most recent ctp

yes the july ctp

The June CTP is currently (this may change very soon) the most recent Atlas release. It has a problem whereby UpdatePanel updates under Firefox break all extenders. It sounds like you're hitting this problem. Atlas is aware of it and should have a new release out soon to correct the problem. Thanks for your patience!

Just wondering if any progress has been made on this topic?

The July CTP of Atlas fixes the problem mentioned above.
I am experiencing this problem with the July CTP. Appears to notnecessarilybe fixed. I've got a lot of other things goin on in the same page... I'm going to try and issolate the issue.

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