Saturday, March 24, 2012

ModalDialog inside updatepanel

I've got a button that shows a modal dialog box. The idea is to add an object to a database, then refresh a listbox on the main page. The dialog works correctly, except with click cmdOk, the server side function is never called. I suspect it's because there's no longer an event handler registered by JS that calls the script to do the postback. I probably need to create a client side script using OnOkScript="onOK()", but I have no idea how to make the page postback to call cmdNewObject_Click without a full postback. Any ideas?



<asp:LinkButtonID="cmdAddObject"runat="server"Text="Add Object"></asp:LinkButton>









<asp:PanelID="pnlAddObject"runat="server"CssClass="modalPopup"Style="display: none">






<asp:ButtonID="cmdOk"runat="server"OnClick="cmdNewObject_Click"Text="New Object"/></div>








Seethis post and maybe consider removing the OkControlID property so the Ok button can postback normally (thereby dismissing the ModalPopup). I'm thinking you may also want to get rid of the UpdatePanel here as I'm not sure it'll ultimately be necessary.

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