Sunday, March 11, 2012

ModalPopup background DIV not working

Yes, I covered some of the details in this post:

Thanks for the reply. I saw that post and thought that was the same issue I was having.

However, it sounds like there is some kind of work around?


You can play with the implementation of ModalPopup, but I worry that there's no great "one size fits all" solution. However, if you find one, please share it with us. :)

I'll do that.

Can you give me a head start and tell me what kind of issues were caused by having the background div cover the whole frame?

I think they're mostly covered by these two threads:

Hi, I've been reading alot and can't find a good solution for myproblem. I have the same problem as the first post on this thread. THe modalpopup bg appears inside my content container div and doesn'tcover the header, menu etc. I've read your posts above and all over this message board, but can't find an answer that helps much.

Does thatmean that basically if I am using relative and absolutely positioneddivs that are nested I can't use the modalpopup control? This seemslike a very common need. Using tableless layouts I don't see how itspossible to not put the control instead a div that is positioned? I canuse the control fine if I place the button outside all my containerdivs, but then of course I can't position the button where I want. Or Icould completely rebuild my app using tables... but that is ridiculous.

Any help woudl be appreciated.


I totally agree with you...I've been unable to find any type of solution...I also think that using tableless layouts is pretty common these days and it seems crazy that it wouldn't work for nested divs.

Hopefully we can find some solution to this soon.

Just because the ModalPopup's PopupControlID needs to be placed outside any absolutely/relatively positioned controls doesn't mean the control that displays it needs to be. If that's not helpful, could you please post a simple sample demonstrating the problematic layout?
I'm having a problem with this namely because my modal popup is within a master page and when it opens up, it is nested inside of the placeholder control. I found some javascript that fixed it, but it broke the functionality of the okbutton inside of the modal popup. Is there a css fix or a good javascript fix that would allow me to set the popup control as a child of the body tag so that it will open up full screen like it's supposed to?


Sounds like you are having the same problem i was... I had the same issue. popup on in my master page... If it is the same as me, its easy to fix. Like David said, just put actual code for the popup at the end of your master page. I have a Panel with my popup HTML in it, then the modalpopup code all right before the </form> tag of my page.

Previously I had it up inside my contentplaceholder and I was getting the half cutoff behavior. Hope that helps.


Yeah but what do you do about the codebehind? I need to get access the controls on my modal popup to edit data. If i put the the modal popup there i wont be able to access my inforamtion. Can i get to it with findControl?

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