Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ModalPopup - Dropdown List item change

I have a modal popup with a DDL on it. I want to capture what the new selected item and pass it to the server-side so I can process. How do I do this?


Thanks for the reply. Found the post you refer to, but it didn't fully answer my question. Exactly *how* does one code the client-side javascript to capture the DDL SelectedItem Change event?

The way the code is currently setup, it fires the server-side click event for the btnNoteSave button, and I can grab the content of the text boxes. You'll notice a hidden label field on the popup, i was hoping to use it to store the result of the selected item change from the dropdown.

The big question is, how do I do that?

Here is the code for the modal popup. THere is an ASCX control embedded in the note, Code for the ASCX is below.








tableborder="0"cellspacing="1"><tr><tdalign="right"><asp:LabelID="lblNoteDate"runat="server"Width="35px"CssClass="lblFormField">Date: </asp:Label></td><tdalign="left"><asp:TextBoxID="txtNoteDate"runat="server"Width="150px"CssClass="txtFormField"/></td></tr><tr><tdalign="right"><asp:LabelID="lblCallType"runat="server"CssClass="lblFormField">Call Type: </asp:Label></td><tdalign="left"><asp:DropDownListID="ddlCallTypes"runat="server"Width="155px"OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlCallTypes_SelectedIndexChanged"/></td></tr><tr><tdalign="right"><asp:LabelID="lblUser"runat="server"CssClass="lblFormField">User: </asp:Label></td><td><asp:LabelID="lblUserData"runat="server"CssClass="txtFormField"/></td></tr><tr><tdcolspan="2"><asp:TextBoxID="txtNotes"runat="server"TextMode="MultiLine"Width="200px"Rows="5"CssClass="txtFormField"/></td></tr>







The DropDownList.SelectedItemChanged event is a server-side event, not a client-side event.

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