Saturday, March 24, 2012

Modalpop larger than browser window

I am having a problem with a modal popup that is larger than the browser window. The modal popup contains a gridview, and can be large. I cannot figure out a way to scroll using the browswers scrollbars. I just noticed the Modal popup on this ASP.NET site to submit source code, and thought that would be perfect. Can anyone help me get started implementing a modal such as that?


you can set the width & height of the Panel that you are using for popup.

Eg. <asp:Panel id="panelpopup" runat="Server" CSSClass="modalPopup" Width="600px" Height="400px" />

Thanks for the reply.

It appears I am still having a few issues. One is that regardless of what sizes I specify, if results in the gridview don't have enough room, it will automatically make it big enough to fit it in, but the ModalPoppup doesn't grow with it. It seems like the size of the panel would grow with the data inside of it, but for some reason the data will flow out of the ModalPopup. Also, if it returns too much information, or if a user makes their browser window smaller than the size of the popup, they cannot scroll to see it all. I can scroll the page below the popup, but the popup always recenters itself.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

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