Wednesday, March 21, 2012

modalPopup _show() and $object(modalPopupExtndr).set_OnOkScript(script()) not working with

Over the last few days I have upgraded to the beta 1 and the latest ajaxControlToolkit...Now my modalPopup no longer works and I have been trying to figure a work around for the last day or so. I am using the code located at but now that <atlasToolkit:ModalPopupProperties no longer exists I am at ends trying to call the _show() method using the $object('modalPopupExtndr')._show() b/c i get a null error. I will post my exact code if needed, but it is a basic modalPopup...any ideas?


Quote from the migration guide... (

The$('...') alias fordocument.getElementById('...') has been changed to$get('...'). The$object('...') alias forSys.Application.findControl('...') has also been changed to$find('...'). See PopupControlBehavior.js:52.

It looks like you should try $find('modalPopupExtndr')._show()

Good Luck.

Referenced here too...

Thanks for the reply but I think the problem is deeper than just changing it from object to find. I didn't change object to find b/c in the AspNet Ajax CTP to Beta Whitepaper doc I quote this from it: "In the CTP release, you could use the $object('GoShopping') construct to reference a component created as a result of xml-script. The Value-add release will continue to support this alias." Since I am using the Value-add I figured I would not need to change ojbect to find. However changing object to find did help solve one of my issues. The above quote can be found at this link:

Here is my code and it is erroring in the ShowMessageBox javaScript function on the $object('MsgBoxExtndrProps')._show(); call and I tried using find but that didnt work either. notice though that $object('MsgBoxExtndrProps')._hide(); works fine when I want to close the modalPopup...any ideas??:

<div id="MsgBoxDialog" class="MessageBox" style='display: none;'>
<div id="MsgBoxDialogHeader" class="PopupDialogHeader">
<img id="MsgBoxDialogCloser" class="PopupDialogCloser" alt="Close" onclick="$object('MsgBoxExtndrProps')._hide();"
src="" />
<span id="MsgBoxDialogTitle" class="PopupDialogTitle"></span>
<div id="MsgBoxDialogContent" class="MessageBoxContent">
<div id="MsgBoxQuestion" class="MessageBoxQuestion">
<div id="msgBoxButtons" class="MessageBoxButtons">
<input id="btnConfirm" type="button" value="Yes" />
<input id="btnNoConfirm" type="button" value="Cancel" />
<div style='display: none; visibility: hidden;'>
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnHidden" />
ID="MsgBoxExtndr" runat="server"
TargetControlID="btnHidden" PopupControlID="MsgBoxDialog"
BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" DropShadow="true"
OkControlID="btnConfirm" OnOkScript="onOk()"
CancelControlID="btnNoConfirm" BehaviorID="MsgBoxExtndrProps">

<script type="text/javascript">

var msgBoxQuestion; // content of the tskDlgDiv
var msgBoxTitle; // Title of the task dialog


function InitMsgBox()
msgBoxQuestion = new Sys.Preview.UI.Label($get("MsgBoxQuestion"));

msgBoxTitle = new Sys.Preview.UI.Label($get("MsgBoxDialogTitle"));

When the user is about to make a significant change
this is used as a confirmation...if they answer yes, then
the command param is executed.
function ShowMessageBox(title, question, command)
msgBoxTitle.set_text(title); // set the title of the messageBox
msgBoxQuestion.set_text(question); // Ask the question to the user
$find('MsgBoxExtndrProps').set_OnOkScript(command); // If they answer yes, execute this command
$object('MsgBoxExtndrProps')._show(); // try find or object and it does not work...however $object('MsgBoxExtndrProps')._hide(); works fine??
function onOk() { return true; }

Try this...

I changed this line...



var popUp = $find('MsgBoxExtndrProps');;

and it popped the window.

Bravo Todd...It worked like a champ.

I just made it $find('MsgBoxExtndrProps').show(); and it worked without creating the extra var. It is strange how the _hide() works but the _show() doesn't...strange.

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